Kobe 跟很多人说过他最喜欢的球员不是乔丹,而是伊塞亚-托马斯(Isiah Thomas)! 为什么是Thomas呢? 因为Kobe从小生活在洛城,而他所在的中学在60年代和70年代分别拿了两次NBA冠军——这就是他的Isiah Thomas和活塞队,而他也一直非常喜欢这些球队和这些球员。 下面给大家看一些有趣的文章片段吧~
1. Koop: When did you first start watching the NBA?
Kobe: My father was a huge basketball fan and he used to take me to my first game when I was 5 years old. It would always be either the Lakers or the Clippers, two LA teams. The year was 1973, the LA Lakers played the New York Knicks in the Finals. Those are some of my earliest memories of the game. One of my favorite players on that team was Isiah Thomas; he is from Los Angeles too so it was easy for me to relate to him as this little guard from LA who could really play. He has always been one of my heroes……
2. Jordan曾这么说:“科比就是第二个我”——当然这有点太夸张了,但是如果科比学会如何打球的话,他可以成为有史以来最强的球员之一”~我的偶像! 那谁是Jordan的偶像呢?就是我的另一个偶像:魔术师 Johnson~